Projects that include videos and / or images representative of the product / service have a greater impact on potential customers and investors.

In the section Configure your project, you can add the URL of the main video (elevator pitch) that will appear highlighted in the summary of your project. Additionally, you can add descriptive videos of your product, operating process, facilities, etc. These videos will appear in the «Project» tab, in the Project Gallery section.

The videos you include must be published on one of the two main social video platforms: YouTube or Vimeo. These are the guidelines of these two platforms to upload your videos.

Youtube videos

To upload a video to YouTube from your computer or mobile device you need to sign in with your Google account. If you do not have a created account, you can register here.
In the following link, you will find the video format specifications recommended by YouTube.

Once the session is started, follow the following steps:

  1. Access YouTube.
  2. Click Upload a video at the top of the page.
  3. Before you start uploading the video, you can choose the privacy settings of the video.
    • Public: All users can view and share playlists and public videos.
    • Private: Only you and the users you choose can see playlists and private videos.
    • Not listed: All users with the link will be able to see and share playlists and unlisted videos.
  4. Select the video you want to upload from your computer.
  5. While uploading the video, you can edit the basic information and advanced settings and decide if you want to notify your subscribers (if you uncheck this option, no communication will be established with them).
  6. Click on Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you adjust the privacy settings of the video to Private or Unlisted, you can click Done to finish uploading it or Share to share it privately.
  7. If you do not click Publish, other people will not be able to watch the video. You can publish it later in the Video Manager if you wish.
    Once the video is finished uploading, you will receive an email from YouTube to notify you that it has been uploaded and processed.

To add this video to your campaign, you need the URL provided by YouTube. This URL is accessible from the «Share» button in the bottom bar of your video.

Copy this URL and add it to the field available for it, depending on where you want the video to appear.

If you want to appear as a featured video of your project, add the URL in the «Configure your project» -> URL of the main video.
If you want to appear in the documentation and files tab of the project «Doc & Media» of your project, add the URL in the section «Configure your project» -> Video gallery.

Vimeo Video

To upload a video to Vimeo from your computer or mobile device you need to have an account created on this platform. If you do not have a created account, you can register here.

In the following link, you will find the video format specifications recommended by Vimeo.

Once the session is started, follow the following steps:

  1. Access the video upload page of Vimeo:
  2. Select the file you want to upload from your computer or from your file managers in the cloud.
  3. Before uploading the video choose the privacy settings of the video:
    • Anyone can watch this video
    • Only I can watch this video
    • Only people that I follow can watch this video
    • Only those who have the password can watch this video
    • Only who or choose can watch this video
  4. Select the video you want to upload from your computer.
  5. While uploading the video, you can edit the basic information and advanced settings.
  6. Click on Save to finish uploading the video. You will receive an email from Vimeo to notify you that your video is already available on your vimeo channel.

To add this video to your campaign, you need the URL provided by Vimeo. This URL is accessible from the «Share» button in the general administration bar of your video.

Copy this URL and add it to the field available for it, depending on where you want the video to appear.

If you want to appear as a featured video of your project, add the URL in the «Configure your project» -> URL of the main video.
If you want it to appear in the «Project» tab, in the Project Gallery section, add the URL in the «Configure your project» section -> Video gallery.

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