Bienvenida a EOI Emprende (INCLUYE videotutorial)

Eoi Emprende nace con el objetivo de ser el agregador de iniciativas emprendedoras innovadoras con potencial de crecimiento a nivel nacional.

Pone a disposición del ecosistema emprendedor los servicios y recursos necesarios para:

  • Promocionar la idea de negocio del emprendedor.
  • Crear una red de contactos con el ecosistema emprendedor: empresas, instituciones, potenciales clientes e inversores, mentores, otros emprendedores, …
  • Participar en retos de grandes empresas y entidades.
  • Acceder a acciones formativas online y oferta de servicios de terceros.
  • Obtener la valoración certificada de los proyectos por expertos.

Además, este entorno servirá para la gestión documental de todos los proyectos que participen en los programas de mentorización de los Espacios de Coworking de EOI.

En el siguiente vídeo conocer en más detalle los servicios y recursos que ofrece EOI Emprende.

Plantillas de documentos

Las plantillas enumeradas a continución son de uso es recomendado (no obligatotio) para la presentación de los documentos del proyecto.  El emprendedor podrá usar la plantilla que desee y en la profundidad que quiera, siempre y que el mentor de su proyecto esté de acuerdo.

Los documentos con plantillas de uso recomendado son:

Si tienes alguna duda sobre el uso de estas plantillas, consulta a tu mentor.


Projects that include videos and / or images representative of the product / service have a greater impact on potential customers and investors.

In the section Configure your project, you can add the URL of the main video (elevator pitch) that will appear highlighted in the summary of your project. Additionally, you can add descriptive videos of your product, operating process, facilities, etc. These videos will appear in the «Project» tab, in the Project Gallery section.

The videos you include must be published on one of the two main social video platforms: YouTube or Vimeo. These are the guidelines of these two platforms to upload your videos.

Youtube videos

To upload a video to YouTube from your computer or mobile device you need to sign in with your Google account. If you do not have a created account, you can register here.
In the following link, you will find the video format specifications recommended by YouTube.

Once the session is started, follow the following steps:

  1. Access YouTube.
  2. Click Upload a video at the top of the page.
  3. Before you start uploading the video, you can choose the privacy settings of the video.
    • Public: All users can view and share playlists and public videos.
    • Private: Only you and the users you choose can see playlists and private videos.
    • Not listed: All users with the link will be able to see and share playlists and unlisted videos.
  4. Select the video you want to upload from your computer.
  5. While uploading the video, you can edit the basic information and advanced settings and decide if you want to notify your subscribers (if you uncheck this option, no communication will be established with them).
  6. Click on Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you adjust the privacy settings of the video to Private or Unlisted, you can click Done to finish uploading it or Share to share it privately.
  7. If you do not click Publish, other people will not be able to watch the video. You can publish it later in the Video Manager if you wish.
    Once the video is finished uploading, you will receive an email from YouTube to notify you that it has been uploaded and processed.

To add this video to your campaign, you need the URL provided by YouTube. This URL is accessible from the «Share» button in the bottom bar of your video.

Copy this URL and add it to the field available for it, depending on where you want the video to appear.

If you want to appear as a featured video of your project, add the URL in the «Configure your project» -> URL of the main video.
If you want to appear in the documentation and files tab of the project «Doc & Media» of your project, add the URL in the section «Configure your project» -> Video gallery.

Vimeo Video

To upload a video to Vimeo from your computer or mobile device you need to have an account created on this platform. If you do not have a created account, you can register here.

In the following link, you will find the video format specifications recommended by Vimeo.

Once the session is started, follow the following steps:

  1. Access the video upload page of Vimeo:
  2. Select the file you want to upload from your computer or from your file managers in the cloud.
  3. Before uploading the video choose the privacy settings of the video:
    • Anyone can watch this video
    • Only I can watch this video
    • Only people that I follow can watch this video
    • Only those who have the password can watch this video
    • Only who or choose can watch this video
  4. Select the video you want to upload from your computer.
  5. While uploading the video, you can edit the basic information and advanced settings.
  6. Click on Save to finish uploading the video. You will receive an email from Vimeo to notify you that your video is already available on your vimeo channel.

To add this video to your campaign, you need the URL provided by Vimeo. This URL is accessible from the «Share» button in the general administration bar of your video.

Copy this URL and add it to the field available for it, depending on where you want the video to appear.

If you want to appear as a featured video of your project, add the URL in the «Configure your project» -> URL of the main video.
If you want it to appear in the «Project» tab, in the Project Gallery section, add the URL in the «Configure your project» section -> Video gallery.


Present your project including all the details and possible documentation.


Short messages that impact and awaken the interest of investors and other entrepreneurs.

Project Summary

It is a short speech used to make known the company, the project, the products and services, the equipment that makes it possible, etc. Build a direct message, with simple and structured language, that awakens the interest of the audience you are addressing. Some of the most valued aspects are:

  • Project Summary
  • How did the idea come about
  • Goals
  • What do you offer?
  • How will you achieve these goals
  • Advantages of betting on the solution you bring
  • Differentiating elements:
  • What does your product or service offer different?
  • Why they should trust you
Project image

Add images and videos to attract the attention of users. Some guidelines that will help you achieve it:

Choose a cover image that is representative of your project. Look for a striking and good quality image, is what users will see when you share your campaigns on your social networks.

Add an interesting video It does not have to be sophisticated, simply explain your idea to future investors to convince them. Including translations and subtitles help you attract a much wider audience to support your project.

Project documents

Add the documents that make up your business plan:

  • Executive Summary
  • Financial plan
  • Presentation of the promoter team
  • Value proposal
  • Model Business Canvas
  • Marketing plan
  • Others: production process, commercial presentations, technical detail of the solution, publications in the press, etc.

Project Documents

Includes all types of information that may be interesting for followers and potential customers and investors. The documentation that you upload in the file of your project can be public, accessible to all users or private, only you and the people to whom permission can access.

These are some of the most requested documents:

Initial presentation of the project

Explain here the following aspects of your project, will serve as a summary to have a first idea of how the project is. At least you must explain:

  • How did the idea come about.
  • The problem that is solved.
  • The current state of development of the project.
Presentation of the promoter team

How is the team that is starting up this project and those personal or professional aspects more relevant to their involvement in the company.

  • What are your motivations to undertake.
  • A curriculum of each of the promoters of the company.
  • The dedication you have to the project.
Empathy map

The starting point for the start-up of your project should be the clients, therefore you must make the empathy map of your idea or project with the objective of knowing the client to whom your project is going to be directed, which will help define the value proposition that will be developed. Answer here the main questions in relation to the client to which your project is directed:

  • What you see: consider aspects of the characteristics of the environment that surrounds you; your friends and close people; what offers the market already offers, …
  • What it says and does; how he acts when he is public, what he looks like; what is your attitude towards the proposals of the companies, what contradictions do you have …
  • What do you hear: what your friends say, your family, your staff, your bosses, the influential people in your environment; what information reaches you through what communication channels.
  • What he thinks and feels: what really matters to him; what are its main motivations, concerns, concerns, dreams and aspirations.
  • What are your main frustrations? What are the main obstacles to achieve what you want ?.
  • What are the benefits you can get? What do you really want to achieve? How do you measure success? What strategies would you use to achieve it?

You can use this template to make the empathy map:.

Value proposal

Explain here the value proposal for your clients based on the conclusions of the empathy map. You must explain aspects such as the solution you offer, to whom you offer it and why it is valuable to them. Answer the following questions in order to understand what the value proposition of your company consists of.

  • How your company, product or service solves the problem or need of your client.
  • What benefits should the customer expect from your service?
    Why you should choose you and not your competition. What is your differential value?
  • What your product or service will consist of based on the conclusions of the value proposal.

You can use this template to design the value proposition of your project.

Canvas of the Business Model

Explain here the different sections of the canvas of the business model:

  • Explanation of the customer segment, explanation of the value proposal, collection and communication channels, key activities, key resources, description of the cost structure and the revenue model.
  • Explanation of the customer segment: Who do you intend to offer your business model?
  • Explanation of the relationship with customers: What kind of relationship will you maintain with your customer segment?
  • Explanation of communication channels with customers: How will you know and evaluate, and how will you decide, buy and receive post-sale support for your customer segment?
  • Describe the value proposition of the company: What will you offer to your customer segment? In what way will you solve your problems?
  • Develop the key activities of the company: What activities are key for your business model to work ?.
  • Describe the key resources that will be necessary: Do you require one or more key resources for your business model?
  • Explain which are your key partners: Who will be the key partners to develop your business model ?.
  • Describe the cost structure of your company: What is your cost structure? What are the most important expenses of your business model ?.
  • Describe the sources of income of your company: What will be the way in which your model intends to finance itself and obtain income?

You can use this template to make the Canvas of the Business Model of your company.

Marketing plan

Explain here the variables of the marketing mix and especially the communication and marketing strategies that you will carry out, as well as the planned planning.

You can use these templates to make the Marketing Plan for your company.

Financial plan

Reflects in the Excel document the financial plan of your business: investment, financing, balances, amortizations, income statement, sales forecasts, treasury, and main ratios. You can download a copy of the financial plan here.

Executive Summary

It presents here in a very synthetic way the data of your business and all the main aspects that identify it.

You can use this template to do the Executive Summary of your company.

Demoday presentation

Reflect here graphically the presentation of your project, which will contain the description of the team, the problem and the solution, the product and the market, the business model, the marketing strategy, the current and expected results, the projections and financial needs, etc. The demoday presentation summarizes all aspects of the Lean Business Plan.

You can use these templates to make the presentation of the Demoday of your company.

Others: production process, commercial presentations, technical detail of the solution, publications in the press, etc.

Edit User Profile

It is advisable to complete the information of your profile first. It is your cover letter, it will be visible by other users and interested, so we recommend that you follow the following steps:

  • Choose a professional image/photograph.
  • Make a brief description of your professional career.
  • Include your technical skills and your personal skills.
  • Add your interests It allows users to know another side of you.
  • Link your social networks to promote your campaigns. Check that you have correctly indicated the origin of your initiative.

You can modify this information from your control panel-> Edit profile

Company Profile

Introduce your company to the network. If you do not have the company incorporated, including the information about your project in its place:

Summary of the company
  • Basic information
    • Name
    • Foundation year
    • Category and sector
    • Logo
  • Summary of the company identifying the lines of products and services that you offer
Contact profiles
  • Company email
  • Social networking profiles

Add the team that participates in the project. You can collaborate in the creation and management of your campaign if you give it permission to edit. It includes:

  • Role / Position
  • Full name
  • Email address
  • A brief description of your professional profile

How to register

Complete the mandatory registration information and accept the conditions of use:

  • Name and surname
  • Telephone contact
  • Email
  • Origin of the initiative.
    • If you have developed your business idea or are linked to an association, identify which one.
    • If you access the platform in another way, select Other and enter the name of the group, entity, etc. for which you have known us.

You will receive an email message with the account activation link. If you do not receive this mail, check that it has not been saved in your spam folder (SPAM).

Follow the instructions to complete the registration process. From that moment you will be able to log in with your chosen email address and password.

Perfil de usuario

Es recomendable completar en primer lugar la información de tu perfil. Es tu carta de presentación, será visible por otros usuarios e interesados, por lo que te recomendamos que sigas los siguientes pasos:

  • Elige una imagen/fotografía profesional.
  • Haz una breve descripción de tu trayectoria profesional.
  • Incluye tus competencias técnicas y tus habilidades personales.
  • Añade tus intereses. Permite a los usuarios conocer otra faceta tuya.
  • Enlaza tus redes sociales para promocionar tus iniciativas.
  • Comprueba que has indicado correctamente el origen de tu iniciativa.

Puedes modificar esta información desde tu panel de control-> Editar perfil

En el siguiente vídeo podrás ampliar tus conocimientos sobre cómo crear tu perfil emprendedor en EOI Emprende.

Galería de Vídeo

Los proyectos que incluyen vídeos y/o imágenes representativas del producto/servicio tienen un mayor impacto en posibles clientes e inversores.
En el apartado Configura tu proyecto, podrás añadir la URL del vídeo principal (elevator pitch) que aparecerá destacado en el resumen de tu proyecto. Adicionalmente, puedes añadir videos descriptivos de tu producto, proceso operativo, instalaciones, etc. Estos vídeos aparecerán en la pestaña «Proyecto», en el apartado Galería del proyecto.

Los vídeos que incluyas tienen que estar publicados en una de las dos principales plataformas sociales de vídeo: YouTube o Vimeo. A continuación se detallan algunas pautas de estas dos plataformas para subir tus vídeos.

Vídeos de YouTube

Para subir un vídeo a YouTube desde tu ordenador o dispositivo móvil necesitas iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de google. Si no tienes una cuenta creada, puedes registrarte aquí.
En el siguiente enlace encontrarás las especificaciones de formato de vídeo recomendadas por YouTube.

Una vez iniciada la sesión, sigue los siguientes pasos:

  1. Accede a YouTube.
  2. Haz clic en Subir un video en la parte superior de la página.
  3. Antes de empezar a subir el video, puedes elegir la configuración de privacidad del video.
    • Público: Todos los usuarios pueden ver y compartir las listas de reproducción y los videos públicos.
    • Privado: Solo tú y los usuarios que elijas pueden ver las listas de reproducción y los videos privados.
    • No listado: Todos los usuarios que tengan el vínculo podrán ver y compartir las listas de reproducción y los videos no listados.
  4. Selecciona el video que deseas subir desde tu ordenador.
  5. Mientras subes el video, puedes editar la información básica y la configuración avanzada y decidir si quieres notificar a tus suscriptores (si desmarcas esta opción, no se establecerá ninguna comunicación con ellos).
  6. Haz clic en Publicar para terminar de subir un video público a YouTube. Si ajustas la configuración de privacidad del video a Privado o No listado, puedes hacer clic en Listo para terminar de subirlo o en Compartir para compartirlo de forma privada.
  7. Si no haces clic en Publicar, otras personas no podrán ver el video. Podrás publicarlo más tarde en el Administrador de videos si así lo deseas.

Una vez que el video se termine de subir, recibirás un correo electrónico de YouTube para notificarte que ya se subió y procesó.Para

añadir este vídeo a tu campaña, necesitas la URL proporcionada por YouTube. Esta URL está accesible desde el botón “Compartir” de la barra inferior de tu vídeo.

Copia esta URL y agrégala en el campo disponible para ello según donde quieras que se muestre el vídeo.

Si quieres que aparezca como vídeo destacado de tu proyecto, agrega la URL en el apartado “Configura tu proyecto”-> URL del vídeo principal.
Si quieres que aparezca en la pestaña de documentación y archivos del proyecto “Doc&Media” de tu proyecto, agrega la URL en el apartado “Configura tu proyecto”-> Galería de vídeo.

Vídeo de Vimeo

Para subir un vídeo a Vimeo desde tu ordenador o dispositivo móvil necesitas tener una cuenta creada en esta plataforma. Si no tienes una cuenta creada, puedes registrarte aquí.

En el siguiente enlace encontrarás las especificaciones de formato de vídeo recomendadas por Vimeo.

Una vez iniciada la sesión, sigue los siguientes pasos:

  1. Accede a la página de subida de vídeo de Vimeo:
  2.  Selecciona el archivo que quieras subir desde tu equipo o desde tus gestores de archivos en la nube.
  3. Antes de subir el vídeo elige la configuración de privacidad del vídeo:
    • Cualquier persona puede ver este vídeo
    • Solo yo puedo ver este vídeo
    • Solo la gente que sigo puede ver este vídeo
    • Solo quienes tengan la contraseña pueden ver este vídeo
    • Solo quien o elija puede ver este vídeo
  4. Selecciona el video que deseas subir desde tu ordenador.
  5. Mientras subes el vídeo, puedes editar la información básica y la configuración avanzada.
  6. Haz clic en Guardar para terminar de subir el video. Recibirás un correo electrónico de Vimeo para notificarte que tu vídeo ya disponible en tu canal de vimeo.

Para añadir este vídeo a tu campaña, necesitas la URL proporcionada por Vimeo. Esta URL está accesible desde el botón “Compartir” de la barra de administración general de tu video.

Copia esta URL y agrégala en el campo disponible para ello según donde quieras que se muestre el vídeo.

Si quieres que aparezca como vídeo destacado de tu proyecto, agrega la URL en el apartado “Configura tu proyecto”-> URL del vídeo principal.

Si quieres que aparezca en la pestaña de «Proyecto», en la sección Galería del Proyecto, agrega la URL en el apartado “Configura tu proyecto”-> Galería de vídeo.